March 07, 2021
Leehe Segal
Leehe is a woman of the world. After living in New York for numerous years where she established her own jewelry brand Bleeker & Prince, she moved back to Israel in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak. Read more about her journey below! And her jewelry? We loved it so much we decided to sell it on our website, happy shopping!
- How would you describe Leehe in one hashtag? #devoted
- If your life was a song or a movie, what would it be called? I can see clearly now – Johnny Nash.
- What is your favorite raw material? 14k raw gold.
- Who would you dream of designing jewelry for? Mmmh, I don’t dream about people. I mostly dream about jewelry. It moves me when the person that’s not afraid to go wild with their jewelry arrives.
- What do you miss most about New York? Truth is we only just left, so I don’t really miss anything yet. But it is totally my home away from home, so I would say I am missing my home away from home, even though it doesn’t really exist anymore... as the vibe in New York has changed so much. The New York I knew was full of character and adventures, and it lost some of its magic in recent years.
- What person has influenced you most in life? My dear husband.
- What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? It’s a compliment that still moves me… Someone was sitting in a restaurant and recognized one of my pieces, so she directly asked the person wearing it if it was indeed a Bleeker & Prince ring. Then she said my jewelry and aesthetic can easily be recognized. I think that’s every artist or designer’s dream.
- What’s the biggest surprise someone has ever given you? My husband invited my two best friends to New York to celebrate my birthday, I just went down to walk the dog and when I came back up, they were simply there.
- Who do you dream of working with? Wow there are so many! There are so many talented people that do amazing stuff! From chocolate to bags to furniture. I hope I’ll do many partnerships.
- What’s your go-to drink? Bloody Mary! But in general, I’m a red wine girl.
- Who is your style icon? Everyone. I find style everywhere and in everyone. It’s hard for me to commit to just one. For example, my grandfather’s sister is full of style!
- Which trend is eternal in your eyes? A pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
- If you had to pick another job, what would it be? Probably a psychologist. And I would have taken everything I learned in my current job, which would have helped a lot! The spirit is so complex, it’s crazy to me.
- What makes you laugh? I have a really basic sense of humor. Usually what makes me laugh doesn’t make other people laugh. Luckily my kids laugh with me!
- Which superpower would you choose, if you could? I would choose so many, but for now I’ll pick one. Simply to enjoy the current moment, without compromises and without having to think about tomorrow.
- Where do you go for inspiration? Inside.
- What country do you dream of visiting? There are so many! Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand.
- One good thing you learnt from the Covid-19 period? There are many things one can say about Covid-19. But I’m convinced that one way or another it did good to so many people. This pause let us take a minute which we wouldn’t otherwise have taken. To reflect on ourselves, our lives and how we handle them. I truly believe that from that pause one can only grow and flourish. I had a lot of anger and sadness about the situation but slowly I stopped being mad, I’m still pretty sad about a lot of things but I’m also thankful for my personal development.
- Describe the Israel of today in a few words. In crisis.
- What is the most important corner of your house? Mmm, interesting question. I never thought about it. Maybe my terrace, I missed it so much when I lived in New York.
- What would you have liked to receive from NOOR? Everything! The candles, yoga mats, homeware, everything is perfect! I actually bought most things, since you’ve opened J